A lot is being written about information security; opinions, suggestions, surveys, even conspiracy theories roam around, and news on a prominent organization’s data breach make headlines more often than ever, these days. It is not that people are just catching on to the significance of security and have recently become aware of the consequences.
More and more enterprises are turning to their trusted Communications Service Providers (CSPs) to manage more and more of their network and, increasingly, cloud-based services as part of digital transformation initiatives.
In a post by Gartner’s Jill Beadle, Privileged Access Management (PAM) was named the number one security project Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) should invest in to reduce risk on a significant scale in large enterprises.
Enhancing Security with Kron PAM's Multitenancy: A Game-Changer for Large Organizations
Jun 10, 2024
Kron DAM & DDM Recognized in Gartner's Market Guide for Data Masking and Synthetic Data
Sep 30, 2024