Secure digital identities of your customers, employees and things in various environments, including on-premises, cloud and endpoint devices.
Secure digital identities of your customers, employees and devices in various environments, including on-premises, cloud and endpoint devices.
Cyberattacks targeting privileged accounts are happening more often than ever before. Secure your access and privileged credentials with comprehensive Privileged Access Management solutions.
Your Robust Foundation for Zero-Trust Access Security Empower your security strategy with Kron CloudPAM, the premier SaaS solution for Privileged Access Management.
Prevent sharing of authorized account passwords and hijacking by malicious people with Password Vault, provide a fully encrypted infrastructure by verifying privileged users.
Fully control privileged sessions with Session Management, and provide perfect access security by eliminating the confusion during access management.
Record the sessions of database administrators while they access critical data, increase your data security by ensuring compliance to the regulations with Database Access Management.
Automate routine tasks with Privileged Task Automation's scalable and flexible architecture, eliminate service interruptions and maximize your operational efficiency.
Authorize applications and commands on endpoints with Endpoint Privilege Management, ensure the principle of least privilege effortlessly .
Detect malicious activities of internal threats with AI-powered advanced algorithms of User Behavior Analysis and intervene in cyber risks before they occur.
Secure the remote access to your critical data with Multi-Factor Authentication's advanced features such as OTP, strong password management, geolocation and time-based authentication.
Take the advantage of built-in and pre-integrated TACACS+ and RADIUS servers that provide AAA services for network infrastructure with Unified Access Manager.
Increase your customer satisfaction in many sectors from telecom to banking with AAA's advanced capabilities such as profiling, detailed subscriber and campaign management.
Eliminate the risk of data leaks with the advanced solutions that mask your sensitive data and provide zero-loss logging of network traffic.
Purpose-built Logging Platform for Telecom Operators
Kron Telemetry Pipeline enables organizations to manage their observability and security data streams, mitigates vendor lock-in, and assists in breaking down data silos.
Mask your sensitive data that privileged users can access with Kron Dynamic Data Masking, prevent potential data leaks by enabling privileged accounts to access only the functional data in your enterprise’s critical databases.
Secure your databases with Kron Data Activity Monitoring and ensure continuous compliance, data integrity, and operational stability.
Support your organization's IT infrastructure with groundbreaking technologies and open the door to a successful digital transformation today.
Gain full visibility across your network with Kron NPM's discovery, performance and fault management modules that offer comprehensive network and IT monitoring capabilities.
Increase the level of service quality with the probe-based, distributed architecture of Quality Assurance and reduce SLA times by detecting service interruptions instantly.
Ensure a high level of network reliability and security with Network Configuration Management (NCM) by automating and taking total control of the entire device configuration management.
Kron’s high-tech OSS and cyber security software products are globally available with more than 40 partners all over the world.
Partner portal helps you get more information about Kron's Privileged Access Management product Kron PAM and supports you with the resources such as solution briefs, datasheets or case studies.
Explore our cybersecurity library of case studies, datasheets and blogs to learn more about Kron's high-end cybersecurity, data security, data management and infrastructure and operations solutions.
Learn more about Kron’s world leading Privileged Access Management (PAM) solutions.
Find out how to protect your sensitive data and critical systems by reviewing our successful Privileged Access Management (PAM) case studies.
Stay up do date onrecent news about information technologies, trends in access and cyber security, and details about data security.
How crucial is controlling privileged access accounts for your business security, and where does it stand in your hierarchy of needs? There's no need to search for answers anymore! Kron CyberPulse Podcast is here to simplify and provide professional insights into Privileged Access Management (PAM).
Kron produces high technology solutions for the operational efficiency and security needs of corporate enterprises in finance, energy and health sectors, particularly in telecommunications.
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With the OSS and cyber security software products it has developed since its inception, Kron provides operational benefits to many well-established organizations in different sectors, from telecommunications to finance.
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Ayrıcalıklı hesap hareketlerini analiz edip, riskli hareketlerde bulunan kullanıcıları tespit eden Kullanıcı Davranışı Analizi hakkındaki detayları şimdi yazımızda keşfedin.
Sıfır güven, derinlemesine savunma ve diğer kabul edilen güvenlik ilkelerinin yerini mi alıyor? Yanıtını bu yazımızda keşfedin.
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Kurumsal Güvenliği Sağlamak: Kron PAM'ın Ayrıcalıklı Erişimi Yönetme ve Denetleme Stratejisi
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Log4j Güvenlik Açığı Nedir? Nasıl Korunabilirsiniz?
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Cisco CPAR Kullanım Ömrünün Sonuna Geldi, Kron AAA'e Geçiş Yapmanın Tam Zamanı
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Türkiye’nin Siber Güvenlik Vizyonu ve Kron PAM’ın Rolü: 2024-2028 Stratejisi Kritik Bir Adım
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Kron PAM ile Uygulamalar Arası Parola Yönetimini Kolaylaştır
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Kron DAM & DDM, Gartner'ın Veri Maskeleme ve Sentetik Veri için Pazar Rehberi'nde Yer Aldı
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Kron PAM ile GDPR Uyumluluğunun Sağlanması
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Ayrıcalıklı Hesap Güvenliğine Neden Öncelik Vermelisiniz?
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Siber Saldırılara Karşı Bir Kalkan: Kron PAM ile Uygulama Kimlik Bilgilerinin Güvenliğini Sağlama
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Uç Nokta Ayrıcalık Yönetimi (EPM) Nedir ve İşletmeler Neden Buna İhtiyaç Duyar?
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IPDR Loglama Nedir? Regülatif ve Hukuki Perspektif
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Sabit Kodlanmış Sırlara Vedalaşın: Kron PAM ile Güvenli Kimlik Bilgisi Yönetimi
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IPDR Loglamanın Temel Teknik Zorlukları
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Kron PAM ile Sağlık Sektöründe Güvenliği Artırma: Hasta Verilerini Korumak ve Uyumluluğu Sağlamak
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Ayrıcalıklı Erişim Yönetimi (PAM) Nedir?
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Ağ İzleme (Network Monitoring) Nedir? Neden Önemlidir?
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Contact us to learn more about Kron Technologies' telecom and cybersecurity products.