2018 was an alarming year signaling the need for data security after various data was exposed through cyberattacks. Billions of people’s personal data was breached in 2018, and surprisingly 765 million people were affected in April, May, and June alone.
Audit, compliance, and governance solutions are growing at a rapid pace as part of the Identity Access Management (IAM) market, which is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over 17% by 2024, according to a report by Grandview Research.
The most recent survey conducted by the SANS Institute (News – Alert) starts off by summarizing stunning breaches associated with sensitive data exposure based on misconfigured Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) instances including a Verizon (News – Alert) partner who leaked the personal information of more than 14 million Verizon customers, voter data associated with the Republican party revealing private data of nearly 200 million American voters, and the exposure of the L.A. Times’ website source code.
With the explosive growth of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the related massive data produced at the edge of the network, the centralized cloud computing model is running up against limitations associated with bandwidth, computing resources, and the latency often associated when processing is done in the cloud instead of locally.